Premium Soy Sauce - Lee Kum Kee - 500 ml
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0078895126396(EAN / EAN-13) 078895126396 (UPC / UPC-A)
0078895126396(EAN / EAN-13) 078895126396 (UPC / UPC-A)
Quantity: 500 ml
Brands: Lee Kum Kee, Csr
Brand owner: Lee Kum Kee Co. Ltd.
Categories: Condiments, Sauces, Soy sauces, fr:Sauces au soja salées, Asian-foods, Chinese-foods
Labels, certifications, awards:
Vegetarian, No GMOs, No preservatives, Vegan, No artificial colors, Triman
Origin of ingredients: China
Manufacturing or processing places: China
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Stores: Coles, Asian Supermarkets, Woolworths, Tamda
Countries where sold: Australia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States
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Product added on by foodorigins
Last edit of product page on by macrofactor.
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